Upcoming Events

Our 2024 programme of events

Network H+C Workshop "The challenge of overheating in UK housing stock"
21st June, 10.30am

Please click on the Icon for further details and registration via Eventbrite.

Clean Maritime Research Conference
3rd July 2024
(Bayes Business School, City University, London)

On behalf of the UK National Clean Maritime Research Hub, join us for our 1st conference exploring cutting-edge research in maritime decarbonisation!
Click on the image above for further information and registration through Eventbrite.

Network H+C Summer School
12-14th August 2024

A 3 day Summer school for early career heating and colling professionals and academics. Click on the image above for further details

Network H+C Flexible Funding Sandpit
15/16th August 2024

Come along to win up to £50,000 funding for your research idea. Please click on the Icon for further details and registration via Eventbrite.